Deploying a node application using capistrano

This is a guide to deploy a node application using the well known Capistrano gem with a bit of help of the capistrano-node-deploy gem.

This guide uses ruby to deploy your node.js application. So I assume that you have both ruby and bundler (a package manager similar to npm) installed. I also provide some feedback at the end, why I used ruby and not JavaScript for deployment.

Deploying the app


As all ruby projects, we have to add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano', '~> 2' # node-deploy has no capistrano3 support yet
gem 'capistrano-node-deploy'

If you don’t have a Gemfile yet, you should create one, and probably want to prepend it with this line – so bundler does know where to look for the gems:

source ''

Then we can install the gems using bundler:

# installing the gems using bundler

Beware of the Capistrano version. At the time of writing, the capistrano-node-deploy gem does not work with the new Capistrano 3 version, so we have to stick to Capistrano 2 for the time being.

Now add a file called Capfile. Use this as blueprint but change all stuff that is needed:

require 'capistrano/node-deploy'

set :application, 'example_app'
set :user, 'deploy'

set :repository,  ''
set :scm, :git

# If you do not have a web accessible repo yet, uncomment the following:
# set :deploy_via, :copy

set :deploy_to, '/var/www/example_app'
set :node_user, 'mr_node' # user that runs the app

role :app, ''

Deploy it

Now you should be able to deploy the app using:

bundle exec cap deploy

Do this every time you have committed (and pushed) some changes that you want to deploy.

Starting the app

Capistrano-node-deploy comes with upstart support out of the box. If you are using upstart, then you might want to set the following upstart_job_name setting, if the name of your upstart job is not APP_NAME-ENV_NAME. (Add this to your Capfile:)

set :upstart_job_name, 'example_app'

Beware that it will rewrite the upstart script on every deploy if it has changed. So if you might want to change some things, set the appropriate variables in your Capfile and don’t change the script on the remote server manually. Which variables are there? Well, best to look in the code for them.

If you are using init.d at the moment, like me, then I will give you one tip: Just switch to upstart. It’s just easier. At least for me, with init.d it really fucked up the permissions when starting with sudo, and without it simply fails ending up in multiple node instances running. And another plus for upstart: The upstart script is way simpler.

Now bundle exec cap deploy will also restart the app properly. Try it:

bundle exec cap deploy

Capistrano also allows doing stuff on the server, not only deploys. So you could start/stop/restart your node app easily directly (without a deploy). Just try:

bundle exec cap node:restart

Some helpful options

If your node is not running on /usr/bin/node you might want to set the node_binary option to where your node is installed:

set :node_binary, '/usr/local/bin/node'

If you want pass some command line arguments to your app, you should specify them directly in your main part in your package.json. Capistrano-node-deploy does not have another way implemented to just pass them in directly. So something like:

  "main": "my_app.js —port=8124"

Although I suggest making those things configurable through a config file depending on the environment the app is running, to gain some flexibility.

And the last tip I want to give is, setting the environment for your app. It is set to production by default, but if you have a staging server you might want to set in the Capfile:

set :node_env, 'staging'


This is pretty simple and Capistrano is a tool that is pretty battle tested, because it is used literally everywhere in the Ruby on Rails world. But although it works, there are some reasons why I am not totally fond of this solution:

The first obvious reason is that using Capistrano is in need of ruby. It is not a problem for me, I always have ruby installed for some other projects, but having a JavaScript app relying on ruby although it’s only for deployment feels weird. The second and bigger point is it does not take good use of the npm hooks defined in the package.json.

If you are using nodejitsu as server you know what I mean with the latter point. I really like the way the jitsu command works when deploying. Especially the handling of the version number is way better than the Capistrano solution. But if you do not use nodejitsu, there is no other similar solution like it in the node realm – at least I could not find it. I thought about starting to write one, but the capistrano solution is easier for now, and if you want to deploy right away, that’s a way to go.

I hope this little go through is useful to anyone.

P.S.: Someone cares for writing a node deploy mechanism similar to jitsu without the nodejitsu dependency?